

拼音:zhēng qǐ



征召起用。 唐 杜甫 《洗兵马》诗:“徵起适遇风云会,扶颠始知筹策良。”

Basic Meaning
to arouse, to excite
Detailed Explanation
徵起 is a verb phrase that means to arouse or excite someone‘s emotions or feelings. It is often used to describe something that stirs up strong emotions or reactions in people.
Usage Scenarios
徵起 is commonly used in literary and formal contexts to describe the emotional impact or response that a particular event, speech, or piece of art can have on people. It can be used to express the idea of being deeply moved or inspired by something.
Story Origin
The origin of the phrase 徵起 can be traced back to ancient Chinese literature and poetry. In classical Chinese, 徵 refers to the sound of a musical instrument, while 起 means to rise or to be aroused. The phrase originally referred to the emotional impact that music can have on people, especially when it evokes strong emotions or stirs up the soul.
Structure of the Idiom
徵起 is a compound verb phrase composed of two characters. 徵 is the first character and 起 is the second character. The structure of the idiom follows the typical subject-verb format in Chinese grammar.
Memory Techniques
To remember the meaning of 徵起, you can associate it with the idea of a musical instrument that rises up and stirs up strong emotions or feelings. You can also create visual or mnemonic associations, such as imagining a musical note rising up and causing a wave of emotions.
Extended Learning
To further understand the usage of 徵起, you can explore examples in literature, movies, or music that evoke strong emotions in people. You can also learn more about classical Chinese music and its emotional impact on listeners.
4. Elderly