拼音:lā guān xi
注音:ㄌㄚ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄒㄧˋ
1.tuft-hunt; strike up an acquaintance with sb.; exploit the connection; scrape acquaintance with sb.; try to establish a relationship with sb.; try to establish underhand connections for the sake of personal gain; make advances to sb. without an introduction; cotton up to
◎ 拉关系 lā guānxi
[claim contacts with;peopletuft-hunt; cotton up with; scrape up an acquaintance with; try to form ties with] 跟疏远的人联络拉拢,使关系密切起来
跟疏远的人联络拉拢,使关系密切起来。亦指为了达到某种目的,而使用关系。 老舍 《四世同堂》四二:“我看得很明白,一个人在社会上,就得拉关系,关系越多,吃饭的道儿才越宽,饭碗才不至于起恐慌。” 刘心武 《立体交叉桥》第一章三:“几乎都靠的是死磨硬泡,拉关系走后门,调回城里以后……又有几个真的静息养病呢?”