拼音:méi guān xì
注音:ㄇㄟˊ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄒㄧˋ
◎ 没关系 méi guānxi
(1) [no matter]∶不重要,不值得注意
(2) [never mind]∶不要紧;不用顾虑
◎ 没关系 méi guānxi
[what the hell] ——用作感叹词,表示漫不经心或玩世不恭地顺从
1.It doesn't matter.; It's nothing.t.; n; That's all righo sweat [美俚]; never mind; That's O.K.; It scarcely matters.; Not at all.; No matter.; skip it.; It doesn't make any difference; Forget it.; Not in the least.; It's of no consequence.; It doesn't matter a farthing.
不要紧;不用顾虑。 老舍 《四世同堂》五八:“她的褂子露着一块肉,就露着一块肉,没关系。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第一章:“牲口和粮食掼下没关系,人要紧。”