拼音:jǐng tián zhì
注音:ㄐㄧㄥˇ ㄊㄧㄢˊ ㄓㄧˋ
◎ 井田制 jǐngtiánzhì
[the square-fields system] 中国奴隶社会时期的一种土地制度,把土地划分成许多方块,像“井”字形
1.the “nine squares” system (of land ownership in China's slave society) with one large square divided into 9 small ones (like the Chinese character 井), the 8 outer ones being allocated to serfs who had to cultivate the central one for the serf owner
即井田。 翦伯赞 《中国史纲要》第三章第一节:“古文献上说, 周 代实行过井田制……井田制的主要内容是把土地划分为方块,井田之中,有公田,也有私田。分得私田的农奴或野人要无偿地耕种公田,养活土地所有者。”详“ 井田 ”。