拼音:yùn bái
注音:ㄧㄨㄣˋ ㄅㄞˊ
◎ 韵白 yùnbái
[parts in Beijing opera where the traditional pronunciation of certain words is slightly different from that in current Beijing dialect] 戏曲中句子整齐押韵的道白
1.parts in Beijing opera in which the traditional pronunciation of certain words is slightly different from that in current Beijing dialect; rhythmical parts in operas
(1).戏曲念白的一种。同京( 北京 )白、苏( 苏州 )白等相对。大抵以中州韵为读音、咬字、归韵的标准,四声调值也有特定规律,因而节奏感和音乐性较强。传统戏曲中正面人物和身分较高的人物多念韵白。