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三、中医药学术水平不断提高,科研成果大量涌现。据统计,全国现有独立的中医药科研机构100余所,科研专业技术人员1万余人。不少从事自然科学研究的院所、企业积极参与中医药科研,形成了行业内外结合、多学科参与、联合攻关的中医药科研格局。目前有国家级中医药药品非临床研究质量管理规范中心2个,药品临床试验管理规范中心7个,中药工程技术研究中心8个,国家中医药管理局中医药科研三级实验室138个和规范化药理实验室3个。初步建成了全国中医药科学数据资源共建、共享平台。在文献和基础研究方面,已整理、出版中医古籍600余种,近年来从国外影印回归200多种善本中医古籍;出版《中华本草》巨著,对8980种中药进行了全面、系统的整理、研究;国家重点基础研究发展计划 方剂关键科学问题的基础研究,对中药复方药效学物质基础及作用机理进行了深入研究,初步揭示了药物配伍的科学内涵;证候的规范及其与疾病、方剂相关的基础问题研究正在进行之中;我国制定的针灸经穴标准逐步得到世界的认可。在临床研究方面,对心脑血管疾病、肝病、肾病等疾病的治疗形成了比较成熟、规范可行的诊疗方案。十五以来,中医药成果获国家科学技术奖11项,其中血瘀证与活血化瘀研究获2003年国家科技进步一等奖。



















附讲话英文版Material for the press conference of the State Council Information OfficeThe Current Situation of the Development and Management of Traditional Chinese Medicine

October8,2004State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Under the care and support of Chinese Communist Party and the government,the Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)service has made substantial progress for the past55years since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China,

I.The Medical and Health Care Service System has been formed with the hospital of TCM as the main resources.At the present,there are2,868hospitals of TCM in China with280,000beds with different types.There are270,000licensed practitioners of TCM(including the assistant doctors); the majority of the general hospitals are deployed with the TCM units.In2003alone,there were206million time/visit to the TCM hospitals,while56.36million visits were made to the TCM units in the General hospitals,At the community level,89%of the community health centers and50%of the community health stations provide TCM service.In order to give the full play of the advantage of TCM,137demonstration hospitals and116key special units(diseases)were established.TCM can provide effective treatments not only to the chronic and difficult diseases and those for the elderly,of functional problems and caused by virus,but also can play certain role for the acute and infectious diseases.

The practice showed that the treatment of TCM to SARS were safe and quite effective.The application of TCM to AIDS cases at early stage can treat the opportunist infection,regulate the immune function,regulate the immune function,reduce the toxicity,enhance the effectiveness of treatment and upgrade the living quality of the patients.In the meantime,the cost of the medicine is low and obvious side effect is not common.

II.The TCM service in the rural areas was enhanced.In the rural,about70%of the township health centers established the TCM units,40%of the village doctors use TCM or both TCM and western medicine to treat the diseases.The country and the localities actively promote the construction of advanced TCM counties.In the recent years,113advanced TCM counties and111advanced institutes were constructed.3000key technical staff was trained for the country hospitals,while600key technical staff of TCM for the west part of the country.Furthermore,216clinical diagnosis techniques are under research and identification,among which,some projects have enter the period of the evaluation,15were passed the evaluation and promoted to the rural.The pilot scheme for the certification education for the TCM staff that did not have formal education diploma in the countryside is conducted in8provinces to upgrade the technical standard and educational level for TCM health workers in the countryside.

III.The academic level of TCM is upgraded continuously and the scientific and technological accomplishments are produced.According to the statistics,there are more than1000independent Institutes for the research of TCM at the country level with10,000researchers.Quite a lot of universities,institutes and enterprises which are engaged in the natural sciences also take an active part in the research in the field of TCM,by so doing the situation of integration between the inside and outside of the TCM professional organizations,participation by multi disciplines and joint efforts to make breakthrough have been made.Now,there are2GMP centers for non-clinical research on medical products,7GMP centers for the medical products,8centers for the TCM Engineering technology,138labs of TCM supported by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(SATCM),and3labs for the standardlized pharmacology.Now the platform for the scientific data of TCM has been jointly established and shared.600ancient documents were compiled and printed after research on the literatures and basic study,200copies of sole ancient books of TCM were brought back to the country from foreign countries.The great work“BencaoGang mu”(compendium of material medical)was published to the public.8980kinds of herbal medicine were compiled and studied with a comprehensive and systematic manner.“The basic study on the key scientific issues of the prescriptions and formulas”,a priority research of the national basic research project has conducted profound study on the materials of the compounds and their roles,and explore the primary components

For the matching of the different medicines.The subject on the standardization of symptoms and conditions and the relevant relations with the diseases,and the prescription is under the intensive study.The acupuncture point location standardization is recognized by the world as a whole.In the clinical research,the treatments on vascular and cerebra vascular diseases,liver conditions and kidney diseases have formed quite mature,standardized and feasible protocols.Since the10th five year plan,11accomplishments on TCM were rewarded with the national scientific and technological award,among which,the project on blood stasis and promotion of the blood circulation and remove the stasis were rewarded for the first class progress award in2003.

IV.The TCM education has formed the educational network for the integration of modern educational system and master to student pattern study with different forms,levels and disciplines.Currently,there are32universities and colleges of TCM.8general universities have the TCM school or department,184professional medical school set up TCM curriculum.24key subjects(78construction spots)are undergoing the mid term review.46subjects of the teaching materials are prepared and published.Continuing education is organized; inheriting the academic experience of the senior experts arranged.1607senior experts are identified respectively and2285inheritiors are being trained.The project of continuing education for the excellent clinicians of TCM is implemented for the training of the future excellent doctors.The first group is selected consisting of215doctors.

V.The progress is made in the field of integration of TCM and western medicine.At present,there are193hospitals of integration of TCM and western medicines and30,000health workers in this field.The priority is given to the construction of10hospitals of integration of TCM with western medicine,and27units of this kind in order to find best practice for the integration point and method.The pilot schemes are carried out for the7years schooling for the training of professional with the TCM and western medicine educational knowledge in7universities of TCM in Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou etc.,in the meantime,the teaching materials are prepared for the undergraduate students on the subjects of integration of TCM and western medicine.The clinical study on the treatment of thighbone head putrescence and the application and basic study on the abdominal operation by purgation were rewarded the2nd grade award of science and technology progress.

VI.The ethnic medicine is further exploited,upgraded and compiled.There are157hospitals of ethnic medicines in China with8,000health workers.Through national examination,4683health workers in the field of ethic medicine obtained license for the medical practice.Some general hospitals are also equipped with the ethnic medicine units.14ethnic medicine specialty units are listed as the priority units for further development.Some ethic medicines have entered the reimbursement list of the national basic medical insurance scheme.There are3universities of Ethnic Medicine in the country and Tibet,Mongolia,and Uigur medicines are listed as the key subjects,76topics of ethnic medicine have been prepared,25of which have been published.The charters on the Tibet,Mongolia and Uigur medicines in the national compendium of material medical are completed.60medical literatures form the15ethnics were compiled,including the literatures form Tibet,Mongolia,Uigur and the Thai.Currently,30books such as Medicine of the Buyi,Basic Theory of Yi Ethnic Medicine and the Hui Medicine in China were compiled and completed.

VII.Further growth of the international cooperation in the field of TCM and the expansion of the international dissemination of TCM.By September2004,there were49items in the multi lateral and bilateral agreements with the foreign governments in the field of medicine were relevant to the TCM,while there are17agreements dedicated to TCM.According to the statistics of TCM institutes in28provinces,from1998to2002,there was a20%growth of delegations and groups from foreign countries or outside the mainland in the field of TCM,at the same time,there was an increase of6%for the outgoing delegations.With the cooperation of WHO,the global and regional strategy of TCM were promoted for the formulation and implementation.7WHO collaborating centers for TCM have played active roles.The world Federation of Acupuncture Societies headquartered in Beijing now has77TCM societies from43countries and areas.The World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine also established its headquarter in Beijing,owners138members from48countries and areas.According the incomplete statistics,there are50,000health service and care setups in the field of TCM including acupuncture outside the mainland China.There are100,000registered acupuncturists and20,000TCM practitioners.According to the statistic of2003,there were3221students from overseas to study in the university and college of TCM,which occupied the No.1among all natural sciences in terms of the number of the students.

Way of Thinking and the Priorities in the Future

I.Participation of TCM to the Public Health System Construction

TCM should take an active part in Emergency Response System of the Public Health Construction.The capability of TCM to response the urgent Public Health events should be further enhanced,TCM should be integrated to the Response System for emergent Public Health events,therefore,the professional teams and experts counseling panel for the urgent medical problems should be established.The professional and universal training should be provided,and attention should be given to the construction of the clinical base for the integrated treatment of TCM and western medicine,and the establishment of Emergency Unit in the TCM hospitals,therefore to further upgrade the standards for the prevention and control of the major diseases.

Now the SATCM has set up coordinating group and expert counseling panel on the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS,organized treatment and care program and implemented“six-one project”,namely:one plan should be realized,one medical and research project should be organized,one experts team should be formed,one medical and research center should be set up,one protocol for the treatment by TCM as well as by the integration of TCM with western medicine should be selected,and one batch of new drug of TCM should be developed.

II.To promote the Strategy of hospitals,units and doctors with high profile

We will continuously promote the strategy of hospitals,units and doctors with excellent reputations.On the foundation of the summing up the construction experiences of137demonstrative TCM hospitals,we are going to set up a group of hospitals with excellent reputations and high quality,good medical skill and special characteristics of TCM.While on the foundation of the experience of161key special units and diseases,we plan to set up a batch of high profile units at the national level and provincial level.On the foundation of summing up and inheriting the experiences of the senior TCM doctors,and the training experiences of the TCM health workers at the grass root level,we are going to nurture a batch of doctors with high reputation.

III.Research work of TCM

We are going to strengthen the strategic study on the modernization of TCM and further identify the goal,way of thinking,priority areas and main task for the development of TCM modernization,therefore to push forward the coordinated development of modernization of TCM practice and herbal medicine.We should further promote the science and technology modernization of TCM,to establish the individual diagnosis and treatment system by modernized TCM,the system on the clinical treatment result evaluation and technical norms,and to construct the platform for sharing the methodology and the digital information.We will work together with the relevant departments to implement continuously the Frame Work for the Development of Modernization of TCM,to construct the modernized and creative new system,to refine the standardization system and enhance the favorable condition for the development of new TCM drugs,therefore,a batch of safe,reliable and effective medicine will be discovered and to form a modernized TCM industry with competitive advantage in the market.

IV.TCM service in the rural areas

We should strengthen the basic facility for the country TCM hospitals in western region; enhance the capacity building of the TCM unit in township hospitals and provide the necessary equipments according to the relevant requirements.Guideline of traditional Chinese medicine will be prepared for primary health care system.Specific departments(for treating specific diseases)of TCM in medical units in rural area should be constructed; accordingly,200special units are going to be established as the first group.One hundred special treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine will be promoted in the rural areas.The training for the existing rural health technicians and Chinese medicine practitioners will be strengthened ; therefore,70%of the rural doctors in the village clinic can master the knowledge of TCM as the main method or both the TCM and western medicine.Experience should be summed up and Suggestions and Recommendations on the Pilot Project of Establishment of Comprehensive Function of TCM In the New Collective Medicine Scheme in the Countryside will be printed and disseminated.

V.Strengthen the work on legalization and standardization of TCM

We should implement comprehensively the Regulations on TCM of P.R.China,and formulate relevant documents and criterions.Accession of TCM facilities,TCM practitioners,medical qigong,and health workers to the health system should be further managed.The enforcement of the regulation on TCM should be integrated into the health supervision and law enforcement.We are going to formulate the TCM strategy on Standardization and to set up modernized standard of TCM.We are going to implement the projects on standardization of TCM,propose and formulate a batch of national standards and criterion of TCM based on standard clinical technique practice and guidance for the treatment of diseases so as to further strengthen the supervision of the market,regulate the practice of TCM and upgrade the treatment quality and service.

VI.External exchanges and cooperation

Strategy of reaching out will be implemented.The active encouragement and support should be provided to the running of the medical services and edubational program outside the mainland China,and the proportion of TCM professionals working in the medical team to assist the foreign countries should be further extended,the coverage of international dissemination of the TCM should be enlarged and the norms of TCM should be publicized and promoted,and the level and the quality of international cooperation and exchanges should be further upgraded so as to protect the leading status of the country in the field of TCM.The cooperation with WHO and other international organizations and governments as well as NGO should be further strengthened,and people to people cooperation and exchanges should be broadened.


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