

拼音:zhēng yī



招买。谓招徕顾客。《周礼·地官·司市》:“以量度成贾而徵儥,以质剂结信而止讼。” 郑玄 注:“徵,召也。儥,买也。物有定价,则买者来也。” 贾公彦 疏:“儥买之物贾定,则召买者来。故云徵儥也。”一说卖货不相欺。见 清 俞樾 《群经平议·周礼》“司市”。

Basic Meaning
To seek and recruit talents
Detailed Explanation
徵儥 is a Chinese idiom that originated from the ancient practice of recruiting talented individuals. The first character 徵 means "to seek" or "to recruit," while the second character 儥 refers to "talented individuals" or "capable people." Together, the idiom conveys the idea of actively seeking and recruiting talented individuals for a specific purpose or task.
Usage Scenarios
徵儥 is often used to describe the act of searching and attracting talented individuals to contribute to a project, organization, or cause. It highlights the importance of recognizing and utilizing the skills and abilities of competent individuals to achieve success.
Story Origin
The idiom 徵儥 can be traced back to ancient China during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period . At that time, various states were constantly at war, and recruiting talented individuals became crucial for survival and victory. The idiom reflects the awareness of the importance of talent and the efforts made to recruit capable individuals.
Structure of the Idiom
徵儥 is a four-character idiom, which is a common structure in Chinese idioms. The first two characters "徵" and "儥" each have their own meanings, but together they form a new meaning that conveys the concept of seeking and recruiting talents.
Memory Techniques
To remember the idiom 徵儥, you can associate it with the idea of "seeking talents." Imagine a person holding a magnifying glass, actively searching for talented individuals. Visualize this image in your mind to help you remember the meaning of the idiom.
Extended Learning
To further understand the concept of 徵儥, you can explore the historical context of talent recruitment in ancient China. Learn about famous historical figures who were recruited for their skills and achievements. Additionally, you can study other related idioms that emphasize the importance of talent, such as 徵贤 and 选贤任能 .